Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why Hillary WHY

I think Nora Ephron sums up my attitude toward Hillary perfectly at this point. There was a time when i agonized over Obama or Hillary. Now, I just wanna "get on with it." Selfish selfish - but there you are.

But the point is that it doesn't matter why Hillary lied; what matters is that I'm hooked on Hillary and on the Rorschach process that defines my relationship with her: she does something, I spend far too much time thinking about it, I superimpose my life and my choices onto hers, I decide how I feel about what she's done, I bore friends witless with my theories, and then, instead of moving on, I'm confronted with yet another episode of her behavior and am forced to devote more hours to developing new theories about her behavior. I don't have time for this.

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