Friday, February 29, 2008

Forgive My Mess

I'm playing with templates and I posted a already made template to test it out... and so far so good!

So, the place is going tolook messy for a bit. I hope you all bear with me :)

My Vote Today

This was the last day to vote early in our primary in Ft Worth so I ambled in with my father to vote and cast my vote for Barack Obama. I finally made the irrevocable decision and there's no more equivocation between the two dems.

It looks like it's going to be a squeeker.

Obama looks like he's going to take it. He has the "aura" and a lot of excitement behind him. However, Clinton started with a lead and we just don't know yet whether Obama has taken enough to takeaway enough of that lead. It's really down to the super delegates, probably.

Update: oh, i'm listening to the Newshour and it's notable that they are making a lot of noise about Barack's fantastic organization. TX looks favorable for Obama... and that the fight's out of Ms Clinton's campaign.

hmn.. i dontknow how much all that is true.. but again.. we'll see!

Bill AND Chelsea are saying that if TX goes Obama it's over for them.

I'm really looking forward to working the election this Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday Primary and Me

Well, I'm working the primary election at our local precinct next Tuesday.

Obama looks like he might win TX in spite of barely losing the popular TX vote due to the wierd way Dem primaries are set up in TX. I guess we'll have to wait and see if they're right.

Oh. I'm still leaning Obama, but they are both so well qualified that I still have my flip flop moments. Hillary also more closely represents me in her platform, so i may decide for her at the very last moment. Agh.

If only we could trust any of them.

I've never owned a cell phone nor have I been seriously tempted to, 'til now. I very much wish that I had a way to keep track of the election results and a way to upload posts to me blog remotely.

Oh well, no live blogging the primaries this time around. :)

Interesting Election 2008 Site!

The New York Magazine has put together an interesting little fact sheet covering all the candidates. Check it out

Monday, February 25, 2008

Voting Gender or Voting Color

The thing that troubles me over this election is the way so many people are voting for Hillary because she is a woman, as if feminism itself will be upheld or cast aside dependingon whether she wins the nomination.

I agonized over the choices myself partly because she was a woman. Luckily it was only partly and I didn't find myself choosing to vote for one or the other entirely based on that consideration, but it was close. It was a very hard decision mostly because the two are so much alike within their stated positions. Yes, it did feel a bit like betraying my gender when i finally decided to vote for Obama a week ago.

However, I've decided I was an idiot.

After this past week of dirty tricks (circulating the Obama in a turban photo and the chicken little speech I've definitely rethought my stance.

We have so much to worry about in this country at this moment in time that we must vote the best. So the fact that Hillary is a woman or that Barack is a black man should not even be a consideration in our minds. Right now they should be the same in every way except qualifications and ethical fiber.

And that's the real meaning of feminism.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nader's Entrance

I'm as bitter over Nader entering the race as the next.. especially sfter i was one of the ones that voted for him in 2000. Luckily, I'm in TX so my vote didn't count.

I had adopted the Molly Ivins tactic of voting for him to show the mainstream democrats that they had veered way too far to the right. Since Texas was doomed to go to the Republicans that year, I felt that was a fairly safe bet.

Nader even so far as to foster that perception by signaling that he would not run too heavily in the contested states - but when push came to shove and it was shown that he did well in the Republican states he changed his mind and at the last instant ran like a dog every where he felt that he had a chance. Then he proceeded to mock the people that cried out and asked him not to spoil the election, which he did, helping to earn us 8 years of War and tax relief for the rich (along with the Supreme Court's aid).

So, after that betrayal, I must roll my eyes when the man announces his current bid for the presidency.

However, this time it's not likely to be close, and Nader only got .3 percent of the vote the last time...2004... so at least i'm not too concerned, at this point. I even see his reasoning. He wants to drive the country more to the left, and with him running, there's a chance that he'll force Barack or Hillary more to the left after they have no more democratic hopefuls competing.

Hopefully that's what happens, because we sure need to move to the left. He might even prove useful this time around. However, we must always remember that this man's ego caused him to run when things we're tight and helped damage our nation as a result.

Nader, I think sometimes you're too smart for our own good.

PS: another reason for all of us to get involved. If we all have a hand in our democracy , we wouldn't have these all or nothing elections where so much is at stake.

Self Starting Change

I've been thinking about all the hope that people are throwing into this coming election, and Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, and coming to realize that even if they are elected (and they are all they promise us they are) it wont be enough.

There has to be enough democratic spirit in enough of us tro be able to realize our needs and our hopes. Even if Obama gets in he may not be able to sweep in change because enough of us in the US don't really want it change - and the rest of us may not want change strongly enough to fight for it.

That's the question.

Are we ready as a nation to individually and collectively fight for what we want? We can't rely on just one, or even a few, individuals.

Friday, February 22, 2008

That Oceanic Feeling

Have you ever had a feeling that you we're capable of doing anything or of understanding everything?

If you ever have you've probably kept it strictly to yourself. Most people instinctively shy from others that have that messianic experience (and share it with wild eyed verbosity). However, barring the existence of too too many true freaks Out There, most of us probably have had from time to time an "oceanic feeling" that makes us feel as if we can transcend ourselves.

It often happens to me when I'm exercising and I get past a certain point. I feel light and it just seems that I'm more open to everything. Colors, light, touch, smell, and hearing all seem sharper and more vivid. When I was younger, I had fantasies of being the heroinne... such as... insert crazy random fantasy sceneria here.

Lately, I just take them for what they are, I'm happy to feel so good, and I move on. But now.. I wonder if we're meant to have feelings and experiences like that - we just haven't learned how to deal with them in constructive ways

Perhaps instead of madness those feelings could be turned toward something interesting?

Straight shooter? Honest crook

McCain is proving his "straight shooter" status lately. Yes, he has lobbyists on his campaign staff (wall to wall lobbyist carpeting) but it's ok because they are "honorable" ones.

He also told the FEC "tough" when they told him he couldn't leave his "public support mode" funding.

I don't know about y'all , but when someone who bills himself as a "straight shooter" proves his true shooting by continually telling me to get stuffed, I don't think much of his idea of honesty.

Oh, I see

It looks like this McCain thing may go deeper than I thought last night.

We'll have to wait and see!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Combination of So What and Shadenfreude

Concerning the so-called "McCain Scandal"

OK. yes, as a humanist, i gleefully chortle and cackle and stomp my feet and rub my hands at the idea of McCain already being in hot water this soon after being crowned "heir presumptive" of the Republicans. But come on, really this is no bigger than what happened with "The Floral Incident" in the 90s with Bill and his sexual abstinence concerning "a certain woman."

Turn about is fair play, I guess, and if it helps McCain lose i can only shrug. However, I'd like to think that Obama or Clinton could thoroughly lick him without the help of Iseman.

PS. I guess McCain really has a thing for blondes!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Changing Times

I don't think Hillary will win, I think Obama will take it.

I think the general sense is that people want change and Hillary just represents the old culture. If we elect Hillary we elect all the baggage that we got when we had Bill... no matter what policies they are for today.

For the record,I've been back and forth between Obama and Clinton, but I've leaned toward Hillary based on the policy positions she's taken and, admittedly, my own gender identification. Yes, I'm in that stereotypical "older woman" category (complete with a partly Mexicana heritage)

However, I could get behind an Obama presidency and I'm not totally immune to the fervor that's swept up the Obama campaign. It's vigorous, enthusiastic, and heartfelt. .. and the more I learn the more I like.

So, with two outstanding candidates before us, I may just go with the one with all the passion behind him. We'll see. I still have a little more than 2 weeks to go before i have to decide!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Delegates and Super Delegates

Or.. purely mortal delegates and delegates of steel.

If your into politics, I'm sure you've seen this, or at least already know the dif. If not then here's your chance to learn!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Want To Be A Winner Syndrome

Since Barack and Hillary are the two best candidates the dems had in a long time there hasn't been all that much to distinguish one from the other . Until now.

According to this post, super delegates supporting Hillary are having buyer's remorse and thinking about switching to Barack.

In my opinion, they are wavering because, and only because, Obama is doing so well in his "clean sweeping."

So, now Barack Obama has that "new car smell" of a winner and everyone is tempted to be a part of "the movement."

Not that that's right. Not that that's bad.

That's just the way it is!

Friday, February 8, 2008

In Politics

Everyone is going back and forth between who the better nominee would be; Hillary or Obama. Either one would be good, really, since they both bring good attributes to the table. Hillary has her wonkishness and Obama has his "feel good" vibe.

They need to be on the same ticket.

She's nitro and he's glycerin. Put them together and watch the fireworks