Monday, February 18, 2008

The Changing Times

I don't think Hillary will win, I think Obama will take it.

I think the general sense is that people want change and Hillary just represents the old culture. If we elect Hillary we elect all the baggage that we got when we had Bill... no matter what policies they are for today.

For the record,I've been back and forth between Obama and Clinton, but I've leaned toward Hillary based on the policy positions she's taken and, admittedly, my own gender identification. Yes, I'm in that stereotypical "older woman" category (complete with a partly Mexicana heritage)

However, I could get behind an Obama presidency and I'm not totally immune to the fervor that's swept up the Obama campaign. It's vigorous, enthusiastic, and heartfelt. .. and the more I learn the more I like.

So, with two outstanding candidates before us, I may just go with the one with all the passion behind him. We'll see. I still have a little more than 2 weeks to go before i have to decide!

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