Friday, February 22, 2008

That Oceanic Feeling

Have you ever had a feeling that you we're capable of doing anything or of understanding everything?

If you ever have you've probably kept it strictly to yourself. Most people instinctively shy from others that have that messianic experience (and share it with wild eyed verbosity). However, barring the existence of too too many true freaks Out There, most of us probably have had from time to time an "oceanic feeling" that makes us feel as if we can transcend ourselves.

It often happens to me when I'm exercising and I get past a certain point. I feel light and it just seems that I'm more open to everything. Colors, light, touch, smell, and hearing all seem sharper and more vivid. When I was younger, I had fantasies of being the heroinne... such as... insert crazy random fantasy sceneria here.

Lately, I just take them for what they are, I'm happy to feel so good, and I move on. But now.. I wonder if we're meant to have feelings and experiences like that - we just haven't learned how to deal with them in constructive ways

Perhaps instead of madness those feelings could be turned toward something interesting?

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