Friday, February 29, 2008

My Vote Today

This was the last day to vote early in our primary in Ft Worth so I ambled in with my father to vote and cast my vote for Barack Obama. I finally made the irrevocable decision and there's no more equivocation between the two dems.

It looks like it's going to be a squeeker.

Obama looks like he's going to take it. He has the "aura" and a lot of excitement behind him. However, Clinton started with a lead and we just don't know yet whether Obama has taken enough to takeaway enough of that lead. It's really down to the super delegates, probably.

Update: oh, i'm listening to the Newshour and it's notable that they are making a lot of noise about Barack's fantastic organization. TX looks favorable for Obama... and that the fight's out of Ms Clinton's campaign.

hmn.. i dontknow how much all that is true.. but again.. we'll see!

Bill AND Chelsea are saying that if TX goes Obama it's over for them.

I'm really looking forward to working the election this Tuesday!

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