Friday, March 7, 2008

Primaries Over but Not Done

Well! I had meant to get back to posting here a lot sooner than I have.

I've been posting everywhere BUT here.. it' looks like,

Here's some of the posts that I've made concerning the primaries

All this back and forth between our candidates has forced the Republicans to hold most of their fire. They can't attack either Obama or Clinton too fiercely til they know for sure which one will win. The long that goes on, the harder it is for McCain to gain national attention.

Considering McCain that might not be all that great since he's got so much negative history , too.. but meh :)

Whatever happens, I don't see tonight as a failure. What i saw all day were democrats out in force and doing their best to participate. That's just not bad news anyway one looks at it.

Today broke records and I'm thrilled to have seen it.

I just got back from working my TX precinct. The turnout there was massive all day long and the caucus turnout was just as unreal as i predicted (60 ish percent went Obama and 30ish for clinton .too tired to remember the digits after... )

In the 7 years i've done this we've never had turnout like this.. especially for the caucuses. The MSM drove caucus participation this year as a third to half the voters coming in asked "what is it what is it.. do we get two votes???"

Of course we then set them right .. and amazingly most of them showed up at caucus time and elected delegates.

It was so heavy that at the end of the day we had the caucusers come in droves and they squeezed in around 6:45 even as voters were still voting. The atmosphere was beyond hectic for about 20 minutes there. TX precincts are so unused to the caucuses actually being heavily used that we don't have effective methods of organization for that many people showing up (out of apprx 220 voters for our 3 tiny precincts around 60 - 80 ppl showed up to our church hosting the election)

I'm dead certain that there will be widespread allegations of raucous caucusers and claims of dirty tricks .. not because anyone is being dirty but because the precincts were so unusualyl packed ..

However, once our doors were closed everything went by rather relative smoothly (and we do have small precincts). We had a person there who had a flare for organization and a very loud brassy voice.

I'm working the election in my precinct in Ft Worth.

Here, at least, the voter turnout has been amazing. Non stop business.. and the Republicans on the other side of the building are looking downright lonely.

One good thing about all the hullabaloo over the TX caucuses is that most of the voters are asking to attend them now.Normally most people wouldn't have known about them or wouldn't have bothered. So, even though the MSM still really doesn't understand the TX process, they have really helped us pack the caucuses tonight.

It's going to be busy!

Welp. back to it!


This was reverse chronological order! So, the last post was the first I made.

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