Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Net Is A Neat Place

If you know where to look and what to avoid. A friend turned me onto last.fm so I listened to a few stations and I've finally got enough in my play list to embed my own lil player thing-a-ma-bob into the blog. It's over to the right ----->

There ya go!

Gramma told me once, " that the world is a great place, if you don't weaken," which, in the case of the internet is pretty on the money. As long as you protect yourself against ID thieves, stalkers, and virii, it's a great place.

On other topics; those Burmese monks are sure stirring things up nicely. I heard that there are just as many of them as there are troops. Peace against tyranny. It can't get any clearer than that. Again, best to them.

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