Friday, October 19, 2007

I Don't Believe You're Christian

Can I say that?

Christian fundamentalist types seem to have no qualms with bragging about their Christian status to me. Also, since I'm bisexual they have no issues with telling me that I need to choose to go straight and accept God or go to hell.

I'm sure many of you out there have experienced pretty much the same thing. It's either toe the religious line (their religious line) or be punished in the after life. Oh, yes, you also get a mighty scolding in this life by religious fundamentalists. Essentially, if your a fundamentalist Christian you have carte-blanche to brag about your faith and harangue people into accepting your way of thinking all in the name of freedom of expression as covered in the Bill of Rights.


So, what if I told people "I don't believe you." Just like that?

Fundy's have a right to nag me and parade their assertions around and club me with them so I think I might just have to tell them that I think they are lying when they tell me that they are saved.

"You're making that up. Why would God want to save you? Anyway, I don't think you're being honest. You don't really believe in Jesus."

I want to see how many heads start to spin when I point out that they're taking their Lord God's name in vain.

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