Friday, October 12, 2007

The Cockroaches

but I shouldn't say that.. since at least cockroaches serve a useful purpose in nature's grand scheme. These guys serve nothing but themselves.

All in all, the Graeme Frost case is a perfect illustration of the modern right-wing political machine at work, and in particular its routine reliance on character assassination in place of honest debate. If service members oppose a Republican war, they’re “phony soldiers”; if Michael J. Fox opposes Bush policy on stem cells, he’s faking his Parkinson’s symptoms; if an injured 12-year-old child makes the case for a government health insurance program, he’s a fraud.

Is anyone that routinely attacks children and people with conditions like Michael J. Foxes someone you would want as a friend? Seriously, if you are getting your money using techniquues like this (or depending on people who use them) you should know that you are a bad person. Spin that.

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