Friday, September 28, 2007

Hillary has lost my vote

For the primary, at least. Don't get me wrong. I will vote for a democratic dogcatcher in the general election but if I'm forced to vote for Hillary it will be in full recognition that it's a choice between evil and evil lite /co Dr Evil. Firedog lake has my feeling on the matter nailed down in this post. Hillary is a political opportunist and where she is no doubt better than Bush she is obviously not the best choice running, despite my interest in seeing a woman pres. sit the Oval Office.

Here is where she lost me

Wednesday’s vote on the Lieberman - Kyl resolution, condemning Iran and allowing the designation of its Revolutionary Guards as a “terrorist” entity, was a litmus test for candidates seeking the Presidency. The vote separated the wise from the foolish, and Senator Clinton voted — again — for foolish.
There's no way we should go any where near Iran at this point. Not with our forces stretched so thin and not after observing the level of incompetence and outright deceit this presidency has displayed in getting us to go into Iraq.

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