Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Harry Potter 7

I have just finished reading the last Harry Potter book. The ending was satisfying to me - so Rowling stays in my good books and I don't chuck the series out of the house.

I have seen better writers, in terms of style, technique, and message, but for some reason JK Rowling was able to put together a group of characters and enough imagination to create an astounding and thoroughly memorable story.

It ain't Tolkien but I'm glad she published it!

In related news, one friend of mine (she gave me a lot of candy today, she must be a friend! O.O) told me that CNN spoiled a bit of the HP7 plot. When i pressed her what she told me informed me that they only "spoiled" to mislead - but still, poorly done CNN. Bad mass media corporate money grubbers.

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